You are invited to come and be with us at our scheduled services. We can't wait to worship the Lord with you...
9:15 am Christan Education
10:30am Morning Worhsip
3pm Evangelistic & Afternoon Service
7:00pm Christian Education
12noon Noon day prayer
Listen to our Pastor as
he records his weekly
radio session
12noon Smart Recovery led by
Lady Andrea Martin
7pm Choir rehearsals (if given by director)
Monthly BBQ Sales
Music Ministry will be hosting a BBQ on May 25, 2018.
Greater Bethel Cathedral sells delicious BBQ plates almost every month. Order your plate using the BBQ sheet below and submit to someone on our BBQ committee.
Clothing Drive
There are too many people without adequate clothing. Come by the church anytime and donate your old or unwanted clothing to the church. It will be giving to those in need of clothing.
You don't want to miss these upcoming events...
Mother's Day
May 12, 2019
Our service dedicated to mothers! We will also be giving honors to all mothers in attendance. Bring your mother and let's celebrate!
Mother's Day Breakfast
May 12, 2019 9:30-10:30am
Sign up for our Mother's Day breakfast right before our Mother's Day morning service.
55th Church Anniversary
May 19, 2019 @5pm
Guest Speaker: Dr. Robert Robinson
Join us for this celebration of a lifetime! Be a part of the singing, the dancing, and the praise!
Don't Miss it!
Holy Gathering Concert
May 26, 2019
Our sanctuary choir, the Voices of the Cathedral, is putting up a concert! You won't want to miss the music from choirs around the city and by special guests!
Open Mic
May 31, 2019
If you sing, rhyme, spit, flow then Greater Bethel is the place to be! Bring yourself your talent and your crowd to the stage!
Annual Pentecostal Celebration
June 9, 2019
Los Angeles Pastors will be uniting in anticipation for a Holy Ghost Explosion. We will also be serving early dinner at 2-4pm for all attendees of Pentecost.
Don't Miss it!
70/65 for Pastor & First Lady
June 22, 2019
Join us as we celebrate Pastor & First Lady's 70th & 65th birthdays.